Personal presentation
I currently work on different projects dealing with environmental and agricultural economics, mainly from the quantitative side. Actually, the issues of policy data analysis, result dissemination and team work management in the agri-environmental research are particularly attractive for me, since they match my research interest, experience and professional development goals. Lately I dedicate more and more time to the analysis of world grain markets
During my research period in Bonn (years 2001 to 2006), I was able to gain significant responsibility in project management and at the same time finish my Doctorate studies on Agricultural Economics, focusing my thesis work on climate change mitigation instruments. From 2007 to 2009, I worked as an economist in the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies ( Joint Research Center, European Commission) where I was strongly involved in the conceptualisation and implementation model networks for agricultural policy analysis. There I coordinated different projects, related to medium-term market developments in agriculture, biofuel economics, economic implications of the ‘health-check’ reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, compilation of large-scale databases and the analysis of greenhouse gases from agriculture.
During my carrier, I have been privileged by working within highly motivated and skilled teams. Moreover, I believe that the wide spectrum of activities I have been dealing with have provided me with a very good understanding of complex problems in a globalized world. This professional activity implies a high degree of adaptation in terms of mobility, comprehensive understanding, writing skills and leadership.
Ignacio Pérez Domínguez
Fields of Competence
- Agricultural and trade economics
- Use of mathematical programming and simulation models por policy asessment
- Analysis of trade and environmental related issues in agriculture
- Links between agricultural and energy markets